
Gone Fishin'

Well, I actually don't fish... but here's what I'm doing this summer...

Have a great summer all... see you again next September!
--Keith Drury


::athada:: said...

Have fun! Can't wait to see a picture or two of the continental divide by bike. Eat an extra 'mater for me too.

Anonymous said...

No wonder education has become so expensive, the students are paying for their instructor's playtime while people in the real world work endless hours!

Keith Drury said...

I sure agree with you anonymous... Education uses its most important resource (teachers) only 9 months a year and that's poor stewardship. I am in favor of year-round school... and year round employment for teachers... but alas, few students (and their families) like the idea and insist on their kids "having summer's off"--until we can get students to attend school year round I suppose we'll continue to have teachers with no students in the summer.

(For what its worth, IWU is investigating year round teacher's contracts even as I write--I hope it happens--a multi-month break may sound good to pastors stuck in churches 49 weeks a year..but actually it is professionally demotivating to be "let go" a fourth of the year as unneeded..even if there are publication and research expectations during that time. I'm with you Anon--year round schooling has got to come and the summer-off culture for students has got to change.

Cora White said...
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